client: Privaris



Flagship product launch using online, PR and trade show marketing
First page position in Google and Yahoo searches
Broad media coverage in trade and related publication
Over 30 article mentions in one month
Significant lead generation response

Privaris corporate logo creation, product naming and logo design:
Corporate and product logos
Look and feel concept:
Look and feel
Image exploration:
Custom photography, product imagery
Datasheets, sales sheets, posters and ad:
Product literature, ads, poster designs
Privaris corporate website design:
website design
Privaris corporate website design
website design


Privaris has designed and developed a family of key-fob sized, personal, mobile devices that authenticate an individual's identity before interacting with their existing security systems used for granting access to buildings, offices, and garages (physical security), and computers, networks, and websites (logical security), as well as with the latest "wave and pay" contactless point-of-sale terminals for biometrically authenticated credit card transactions.

Privaris has established partnerships with security industry leaders such as: Broadcom (semiconductor design and development) and HID (world's largest provider of RFID hardware and security systems). Privaris products are targeted for use by the average consumer, small businesses, corporate enterprises of all sizes, and federal, state and local governments.

Hale! Marketing was selected from a large number of potential marketing partners to successfully launch Privaris’ plusID flagship product. Our initial planning and positioning work included two workshop sessions at the Privaris offices in Fairfax, Virginia, all other aspects of the project were handled remotely. From the positioning, key messages were developed for use throughout the product launch program.

Our preparation work included the design of a new corporate look and feel to support the roll-out of the new flagship product, and product naming for the product itself, the product family, and other products to be introduced later. At this stage we undertook a photoshoot session to build a library of images for use throughout the program.

The plusID product launch used integrated marketing tactics that included: online marketing tactics, press relations, and later, trade show marketing.

Privaris had an existing website that did not appear in searches or website rankings. The intent from the beginning was to create a website that would be effective in organically producing high response via online search. To do this we created a site structure that supported a large amount of relevant content, and edited the content to increase key word count. The site was supported in the first few weeks by a Google pay-per-click program we provided. The results were impressive: Privaris appeared on the first page of search results in Google for all 10 top search terms. In Yahoo, one key search term returned the first result page with nothing but Privaris website links.

As the launch date approached we ramped up the media activity, and on the announcement date, together with Privaris’ major partners, conducted media pitching to trade and mainstream media. Supporting materials we wrote and developed for this activity included a product backgrounder and press release. The launch was also supported by a small amount of advertising.

The trade show component included creation of various trade show banners, display panels, and posters. These carried strong messaging and powerful graphics and have been very effective in garnering attention at the various events and trade shows attended by Privaris since the launch.

Subsequent work for Privaris included quick start guides for the product itself and supporting software, illustrations for the guides, a website refresh, various collateral pieces including product data sheets, and continuing strategic input to guide the direction of the marketing activity.